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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts


Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

These are called core workouts because they workout more than just one muscle. These are the upper body exercises that you have probably heard of, but maybe you don't really understand why they are so important to building strong muscles. If you think you understand why these are so important for gaining muscle mass, I still recommend reading on.

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

1. Bench press - You often hear guys talking about how much they bench as a testament to how strong they are. The bench press primarily works out your chest, shoulders and triceps. These are the three muscle groups that many people notice when you take your shirt off. This is also why many guys want to gain muscle mass in this area. The bench press is a full upper body workout, which is why it is very common for people to ask how much another person benches, as it tells a lot about ones upper body strength. If any one of the main muscles are weak (chest, shoulders and triceps), your bench press is going to reflect that.

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts
Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

2. Shoulder Press - This is another core upper body workout because it also works out a lot of the upper body. Obviously the main muscle group that the shoulder press works out is the shoulder. But if you have ever done a shoulder press, then you probably know it also works out the triceps. While this is not quite as good as the bench press, it is still a good compound core workout.

3. Inclined press - this is basically right between the shoulder press and bench press. It goes about half way between shoulder and bench press, and is slightly closer to the shoulder press in that it mainly works the shoulders. However, it does also work the chest.

So that's it, those are the three main core upper body workouts. Now, many people will probably say that there are other core upper body workouts, but those are the main ones. It is also important to understand that there are variations to these exercises. For example, you can use dumbbells instead of a bar. They also have machines for these workouts which work your muscles slightly differently. You should also keep in mind that these workouts work out your abs and other areas of your mid section (hence the name "core" workouts).

 Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts
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Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

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Muscle Building - Upper Body Core Workouts

Friday, March 29, 2013

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

Tube. Duration : 5.52 Mins.

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

Here are some great back exercises to help add mass, width and overall thickness to your lats. Be sure to focus on good form and getting the full back stretc...

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

Back Workout - 5 Back Exercises for Mass

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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building


Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

There's no denying a set of big arms looks impressive. And there isn't a guy around who doesn't want bulging biceps. When someone asks you to flex you immediately roll up your sleeves to show off your guns. Big bicep peaks are quite possibly the ultimate beach muscle. Everyone loves them.

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Most people love to train biceps, flexing their arms with pride at the end of every set, yet not always seeing the kind of results they expect after putting in all the hard work.

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building
Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

This article will help you get the results you want from your biceps training. Discover how to build bigger arms with various bicep workout programs designed for mass building.

Anatomy of the Biceps

 Before you can jump into the training and the best bicep workout exercises some background information is necessary.

A quick anatomy lesson is in store.

The biceps brachii, or biceps for short is a two headed muscle:

long head or outer head short head or inner head

Both heads share the same insertion point near your elbow on your radius. A bone in your forearm.  On the other end the two heads each have their own origins on the scapula. The short head attaches to the coracoid process.  The long head travels further and attaches to the scapula at the supraglenoid tubercle.

Basically your biceps run down the front of your arm and make up about 1/3 of the muscle mass of your upper arm.

There are 2 additional parts of the bicep are called brachialis and brachioradialis. These are little muscles on the outside of the bicep that help with elbow flexion. Generally they get enough work that there is no need to isolate them, unless you are a competitive bodybuilder.

Any arm flexion will work the entire biceps muscle but certain lifts will focus and hit one part more than the others. 

Functions of the Biceps

In order to correctly train the biceps is necessary to understand their function and movement patterns. The biceps is tri-articulate, working across three joints. The main duty of the bicep muscle is to flex the elbow...moving the forearm towards the shoulder. 

There is a second function of the biceps. Supinate the forearm, turning the hand from a palms-down position to a palms-up position. Knowing these two functions makes designing a bicep workout plan a little easier. The biceps also helps stabilize your rotator cuff. But as a bodybuilder or someone looking to get bigger arms we are primarily concerned with the first 2 functions.

Training Your Biceps

Now that you have a basic understanding of the biceps muscle and function we can get into the good stuff...building big biceps!

You will be happy to know that planning your biceps workout program is fairly straightforward. They really only have two major jobs as described earlier. Just make sure you include these movements in your program and you will be on the right track.

Key bicep workout programing tips: pull heavy weight, include lots of chin ups and rows movements with your hands more than shoulder width apart, hits the outer head, to hit the inner head hands are placed closer than shoulder width, to get more Brachialis involvement curl with your palm facing your body. 

Best Biceps Exercises

You can not beat compound movements for adding massive amounts of mass to your your frame. And the same thing goes for getting big arms.  Chin up variations, and different rows are a great way to add size to your biceps. You will never see someone who can move lots of weight in these lifts without big  arms. So be sure to include lots of pulls in your program. That will be discussed in another article. For now we will focus on the biceps.

Barbell Curls

If you are looking to focus on just the biceps, barbell curls are the best biceps isolation movement you can do. This is the most basic biceps exercise and the foundation of your workout program.

Most guys know how to do a barbell curl so I will not go into much detail. Just remember to keep the elbows in tight to the body and to go heavy.

This exercise would be the first exercise done in the bicep portion of your workout. Start with a warm up set of 12 reps add weight drop to 10 reps add more weight now perform 8 reps. This set should be tough. Do one more set with even more weight and again drop the reps from 6-8. This set is tough.

Other variations include:

ez bar curls straight bar cable curls different grips, wide or close

Hammer Curls

Hammer curls are able to work the inner head of the biceps more than other curling variations. To perform this movement you are going to do a basic curl but this time have your palms facing in. This is done with dumbbells or a bar that has a neutral grip handle on it.

You can do this exercise one arm at a time, together or you could alternate. 

Incline Curls

The best movement for the outer head is doing curls while seated on an incline bench. This exercise isolates and stretches the biceps more then standing dumbbell curls so you will have to use less weight.

Similar to the standing dumbbell curl. Grab a pair of dumbbells. Sit back on an incline bench dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of the bench behind your body. From here do your regular curling motion.

Preacher Curls

The best movement for the Inner Head is the preacher curl. For this exercise sit on a bench with a preacher stand. Hold a bar elbows rested on the preacher stand and palms facing towards the ceiling. keeping your arms on the pad do a curling motion.

How Often Should You Train Your Biceps?

Your biceps are small compared to other muscle groups thus do not need the the same volume and do not get the sam kind of stress. 

you can perform bicep exercises up to three non-consecutive days a week. Two days a week is a better option. Be sure to have at least one full day of rest between exercises and take two if you can get it.

Bicep Workout Program for Building Big Bi's

After your pulling exercises like chin ups and rows:

Biceps Workout 1

Maybe today you did chin ups and close grip pull downs

Barbell Curls -  4 sets 12, 10, 8, 6 Hammer Curls - 2 x 15

Biceps Workout 2

Again this is to be done after your pulling exercises. Something like inverted rows and seated rows with a close grip.

Preacher Curls -  4 sets 12, 10, 8, 8 Incline Curls - 2 sets of 15

Be sure to get lots of rest and eat well. Your arms will be sure to grow and before you know it you will have the best biceps of your weight training career.

Train hard.

 Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building
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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Here are some great back exercises to help add mass, width and overall thickness to your lats. Be sure to focus on good form and getting the full back stretc...


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically

Video Clips. Duration : 0.53 Mins.

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically Building lean muscle mass naturally and basically means getting real and getting clear on what 'your' goals are - not those ...

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically

Building Lean Muscle Mass Naturally And Basically

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5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast


5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

Getting ripped involves a number of activities, most importantly, eating a muscle building diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and engaging in intense muscle building exercise. There are a number of exercises that are specially designed to build muscle mass fast. In this article I will introduce five of the most basic exercises to build muscle mass fast and take a look at how you can incorporate them into your workout routine.

5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast


5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast
5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

Pushups are one of the best ways to build muscles and get ripped and have been used for many years by body builders. Pushups are an endurance, body weight exercise that is often recommended to people who wish to gain muscle mass without the assistance of weights. This simple exercise requires you to lift and lower about 60% of your bodyweight off the floor against gravity using your arms and upper body muscles. This leads to quick development of the muscles in your chest, shoulders and triceps.

Varying the push up position or adding resistance to push ups also helps in achieving fuller, well trimmed and stronger muscles faster. For example, if you wish to focus on your pectoral muscles, placing your hands farther apart is the ideal position while if your focus is on your triceps, your hands should be place closer together in a triangle formation. If you wish to improve the muscles of your shoulders, raising your feet in an elevated position such as on a workout bench will help.

Ultimately the best thing about push ups is that, they can be done anywhere thereby eliminating the need for an expensive gym membership or free weights. If you are new to this exercise performing 3 sets of 12-15 pushups, 3 times a week is a good way to start to build muscle mass fast with pushups.


Pullups are considered to be one of the best muscle building exercises because you support your entire bodyweight with your arms as you lift yourself up into the air. In fact aside from strengthening your arms significantly, this exercise to build muscle mass helps to develop the latissimus dorsi muscle in the back and well trimmed biceps quickly. Pullups are also an excellent endurance and muscle building exercise.

Depending on your upper body strength and your weight, a typical pull up workout routine to build muscle mass fast should last for 5 - 10 minutes in total, incorporating 3 - 4 sets, with a rest of 45 seconds - 1 minute between sets. When starting out with pullups it is a great idea to perform assisted pullups by using an object to support your bodyweight, such as a chair. This does decrease the resistance on your muscles but will allow for your muscle to strengthen and adapt to accommodate your total body weight.

Aim to perform 5-8 repetitions per set to stimulate bicep, shoulder and back muscle development. Once you have built up sufficient muscle strength increase this to 10-12 reps of pullups per set.

Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most popular exercises to build chest muscles fast. Basically, you lower a weight to chest level then push it upward until your arms straighten, repeating this a set number of time. This weight training and bodybuilding exercise is specially designed to increase the strength of your deltoids, triceps and pectorals.

However many individuals love to perform this exercise in the gym but do not achieve rapid muscle gain because they see this basic exercise as simply throwing as much weight as you can upwards above your chest. The most important thing about the bench press is your form....explosive on the positive upward phase and slow on the negative lowering phase, leads to the quickest muscle gain. With proper execution of the bench press exercise, your pectoralis major and minor muscles will develop in a very short period of time.

Shoulder Press

Performing a shoulder press is one of the most common exercises to increase shoulder strength and muscle mass quickly. Depending on your fitness level, using dumbbells of 60 - 70% of your maximum load capacity (i.e. the maximum of what you can lift without losing correct form) will drastically accelerate shoulder muscle growth.

The shoulder press is performed by holding dumbbells at a resting position at shoulder level with your palms facing forward, then simple lifting the dumbbells straight upward above your shoulders and gradually lowering them back to the resting position. It is crucial to tighten your abs and exhale when raising the weights and inhale when lowering them to maintain form and promote muscle growth.

Biceps Curls

The final exercise to build muscle mass fast is the bicep curls. These are considered to be the most effective exercise to build muscle mass quickly in your arms and helps a great deal with developing the biceps, triceps, shoulders and forearms. They can also help in strengthening the stabilizer muscles of the upper arms.

Biceps curls are performed by placing dumbbells in the palm of each hand, then curling the weights up against gravity towards your biceps while keeping your palms facing forward. The weights are then slowly lowered to the starting position. It is important not to swing your arms, shrug your shoulders or arch your back. If you find yourself doing any of these then you need to reduce the amount of weight you are trying to lift. 8-10 repetitions of bicep curls with weight of 60%-70% of your maximum load capacity is a good way to get started with bicep curls.

 5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast
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5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

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5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast

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5 Simple Exercises to Build Muscle Mass Fast Building lean muscle mass naturally and basically means getting real and getting clear on what 'your' goals are - not those ...


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Best Weight Lifting Supplements For Building Muscle Mass

Best Weight Lifting Supplements For Building Muscle Mass

Tube. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

Best Weight Lifting Supplements For Building Muscle Mass -▻ Discover How To Gain Weight Fast! Today I'm going to talk to you about the best weight lifting supplements you can take to...

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Best Weight Lifting Supplements For Building Muscle Mass

Best Weight Lifting Supplements For Building Muscle Mass

Best Weight Lifting Supplements For Building Muscle Mass

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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building


Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

There's no denying a set of big arms looks impressive. And there isn't a guy around who doesn't want bulging biceps. When someone asks you to flex you immediately roll up your sleeves to show off your guns. Big bicep peaks are quite possibly the ultimate beach muscle. Everyone loves them.

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Most people love to train biceps, flexing their arms with pride at the end of every set, yet not always seeing the kind of results they expect after putting in all the hard work.

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building
Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

This article will help you get the results you want from your biceps training. Discover how to build bigger arms with various bicep workout programs designed for mass building.

Anatomy of the Biceps

 Before you can jump into the training and the best bicep workout exercises some background information is necessary.

A quick anatomy lesson is in store.

The biceps brachii, or biceps for short is a two headed muscle:

long head or outer head short head or inner head

Both heads share the same insertion point near your elbow on your radius. A bone in your forearm.  On the other end the two heads each have their own origins on the scapula. The short head attaches to the coracoid process.  The long head travels further and attaches to the scapula at the supraglenoid tubercle.

Basically your biceps run down the front of your arm and make up about 1/3 of the muscle mass of your upper arm.

There are 2 additional parts of the bicep are called brachialis and brachioradialis. These are little muscles on the outside of the bicep that help with elbow flexion. Generally they get enough work that there is no need to isolate them, unless you are a competitive bodybuilder.

Any arm flexion will work the entire biceps muscle but certain lifts will focus and hit one part more than the others. 

Functions of the Biceps

In order to correctly train the biceps is necessary to understand their function and movement patterns. The biceps is tri-articulate, working across three joints. The main duty of the bicep muscle is to flex the elbow...moving the forearm towards the shoulder. 

There is a second function of the biceps. Supinate the forearm, turning the hand from a palms-down position to a palms-up position. Knowing these two functions makes designing a bicep workout plan a little easier. The biceps also helps stabilize your rotator cuff. But as a bodybuilder or someone looking to get bigger arms we are primarily concerned with the first 2 functions.

Training Your Biceps

Now that you have a basic understanding of the biceps muscle and function we can get into the good stuff...building big biceps!

You will be happy to know that planning your biceps workout program is fairly straightforward. They really only have two major jobs as described earlier. Just make sure you include these movements in your program and you will be on the right track.

Key bicep workout programing tips: pull heavy weight, include lots of chin ups and rows movements with your hands more than shoulder width apart, hits the outer head, to hit the inner head hands are placed closer than shoulder width, to get more Brachialis involvement curl with your palm facing your body. 

Best Biceps Exercises

You can not beat compound movements for adding massive amounts of mass to your your frame. And the same thing goes for getting big arms.  Chin up variations, and different rows are a great way to add size to your biceps. You will never see someone who can move lots of weight in these lifts without big  arms. So be sure to include lots of pulls in your program. That will be discussed in another article. For now we will focus on the biceps.

Barbell Curls

If you are looking to focus on just the biceps, barbell curls are the best biceps isolation movement you can do. This is the most basic biceps exercise and the foundation of your workout program.

Most guys know how to do a barbell curl so I will not go into much detail. Just remember to keep the elbows in tight to the body and to go heavy.

This exercise would be the first exercise done in the bicep portion of your workout. Start with a warm up set of 12 reps add weight drop to 10 reps add more weight now perform 8 reps. This set should be tough. Do one more set with even more weight and again drop the reps from 6-8. This set is tough.

Other variations include:

ez bar curls straight bar cable curls different grips, wide or close

Hammer Curls

Hammer curls are able to work the inner head of the biceps more than other curling variations. To perform this movement you are going to do a basic curl but this time have your palms facing in. This is done with dumbbells or a bar that has a neutral grip handle on it.

You can do this exercise one arm at a time, together or you could alternate. 

Incline Curls

The best movement for the outer head is doing curls while seated on an incline bench. This exercise isolates and stretches the biceps more then standing dumbbell curls so you will have to use less weight.

Similar to the standing dumbbell curl. Grab a pair of dumbbells. Sit back on an incline bench dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of the bench behind your body. From here do your regular curling motion.

Preacher Curls

The best movement for the Inner Head is the preacher curl. For this exercise sit on a bench with a preacher stand. Hold a bar elbows rested on the preacher stand and palms facing towards the ceiling. keeping your arms on the pad do a curling motion.

How Often Should You Train Your Biceps?

Your biceps are small compared to other muscle groups thus do not need the the same volume and do not get the sam kind of stress. 

you can perform bicep exercises up to three non-consecutive days a week. Two days a week is a better option. Be sure to have at least one full day of rest between exercises and take two if you can get it.

Bicep Workout Program for Building Big Bi's

After your pulling exercises like chin ups and rows:

Biceps Workout 1

Maybe today you did chin ups and close grip pull downs

Barbell Curls -  4 sets 12, 10, 8, 6 Hammer Curls - 2 x 15

Biceps Workout 2

Again this is to be done after your pulling exercises. Something like inverted rows and seated rows with a close grip.

Preacher Curls -  4 sets 12, 10, 8, 8 Incline Curls - 2 sets of 15

Be sure to get lots of rest and eat well. Your arms will be sure to grow and before you know it you will have the best biceps of your weight training career.

Train hard.

 Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building
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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

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Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building -▻ Discover How To Gain Weight Fast! Today I'm going to talk to you about the best weight lifting supplements you can take to...


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program


The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

When you go to the gym, it is very likely you see people performing a vast array of lifting and exercising techniques, and while these "exotic" techniques do work for certain muscle groups and specific desired outcomes, but for pure strength and mass building, the same basic lifting techniques people have always done are simply the most effective. Bench press, military press, squats, pull-ups and dips are still the most effective way to efficiently build mass and increase strength.

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

I won't go into complex rep sets and particular lifts; this is more of a general guide to productive lifting. It is directed by a simple concept: lift as much weight as possible. Sounds simple right, it is, but it's maybe not what you're thinking. A simple mathematic equation explains this concept: pounds x reps x sets = total lbs. lifted. If you lift 100lbs. in weight for 10 repetitions for 3 sets, the equation looks like this: 100lbs x 10reps x 3sets = 3000lbs. total. Now if your goal is strength and mass, you should increase your weight approx. 35-45%, reduce your repetitions to 5, but increase your sets to 5, then the equation looks like this: 140lbs. x 5reps x 5sets = 3500lbs. giving you an extra 500lbs. lifted (or a 17% increase) per set group, thus building mass and strength faster than traditional 10rep 3set lifts. This mainly only applies to the more basic core exercises such as bench press, pull ups, military press, and squats.

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program
The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

The second basic principle of effective mass and strength building is to remember that resting your muscles is JUST AS important as the workout itself. Muscle doesn't build while you're working out, it builds during the rest periods in between workouts (mainly at night while you sleep) . Therefore, if you are going to work out back to back days you need to make sure you don't use the same muscle group(s) as you did the day before. I like to think of it as having main muscle "groups". They are not technically grouped muscles, but you'll understand what I mean in a second. When you do a bench press the two major muscles involved are your chest muscles and triceps. So we'll call that muscle group 1. When you do a pull-up, the two major muscles involved are your latissimus dorsi (we'll refer to as Lats) and your biceps. So we'll call that muscle group 2. The last major muscles on your upper body are your shoulder muscles, and when you do a military press you use your shoulder muscles and triceps. So we'll call this muscle group 3. Now you'll notice that your triceps are involved in two different muscle groups. Therefore a typical workout week would go something like this:

Day 1:
Bench press -2 different exercises such as regular bench & incline bench, or regular bench and dumbbell press or some variation (works: chest, triceps)

Butterflies- Using a machine or dumbbells (3 sets of 8 or 10 is sufficient) (works: chest)

Dips/Tricep Extensions- 2 different exercises (works: triceps)

Day 2:
Pull ups/Lat Pulls- 2 different exercises such as pull-ups and lat pulls, or lat pulls and bent over rows (works: lats, biceps)

Curls- 2 different exercises such as barbell and dumbbell curls, or barbell and cable curls (works: biceps)

(Would be a good day to throw in your trap and forearm workouts if wanted)

Day 3:
Military Press (standing or seated)- 2 different exercises such as barbell dumbbell, standing barbell & seated dumbbell, seated dumbbell & machine or some variation (works: shoulders, triceps)

Lateral raise/Front raise- 3 sets of 10 is sufficient (works: shoulders)

Dips/Tricep Extensions- 2 different exercises (works: triceps)

Now the main part of all this is to split up the days you work your triceps. Since they are used in two core muscle groups, to get the most strength building for your chest and shoulders you will want your triceps fully rested, so as I said you can, "lift as much weight as possible", to get maximum gains.

Lastly, if you've been to your local GNC you've seen the plethora of pills and liquids and powders and just about anything else you can think of promising to bulk you up fast. In the end, the most productive and cost effective way to supplement your workout is good old fashioned protein. Fish, chicken, eggs, peanuts (peanut butter), and milk are all excellent sources of protein. And as for a supplement, protein drinks are the probably the best way to go. Since I'm not too fond of the thick protein "shakes", I personally like the clear liquid protein drinks, they taste kind of like Kool-Aid. One I use regularly is IsoPure. They are about -4 bucks a piece, but they do contain 40 grams of pure protein, and you can drink them down a whole lot easier if you are have trouble stomaching a blender full of chocolate shake.

Like I said this is a basic strategy for anyone unfamiliar with fundamental strength and mass building workout regimens. It is by no means a strict guideline that must be followed to the letter. One of the biggest parts of keeping a regular workout program is not getting burnt out. If you don't feel like doing a certain exercise a certain day, don't force yourself to do it. People will disagree, but they are the same people that work out as hard as they absolutely can for 6 weeks then get burnt out for a year, which achieves nothing. Slow and steady wins the race. But if you follow these simple steps, keep it fun and stay persistent, you'll soon see you're achieving your ultimate goal, which is results.

 The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program
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The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

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The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

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The 3 Day Workout Upper Body Strength & Mass Building Program

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly

A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly

A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly


A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly

How to get most of this muscle building workout program?

A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly

Remember, that these reps, sets and exercises gives you only the guidance of your workouts, always adjust the workout programs according to your own experience and level. Never follow any of the program exactly as it shown on the paper. Beginners should do slightly less sets and exercises than this workout plan reveal. Keep the focus on using progressively heavier weights.

A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly
A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly

How the program works?

- This workout program follows the 3-day split routine. Split your workouts into a three separate muscle groups, that the total

- In the first workout, you fully train your legs and abs. Legs consist of big muscles and it is easy to add mass to your legs through heavy compound movements, therefore they should be trained in their own workout sessions.

- In the second workout, you are hitting the chest, shoulders and triceps. These are the muscles, that are primarily targeted in pushing movements, like bench press, military press and dips. They are also so called mass building exercises.

- Instead of doing pushing movements separately for each muscle group, you are performing them all in one workout session and this guarantees the fully recuperation to your pushing muscle groups.

- In the third workout, you are hitting the rest of your upper body, like back, trapz, biceps and rear deltoids. These movements are primarily involved in pulling your arms towards your torso.

- This method of training is ideal, because you are hitting all the muscles separately in one workouts session, that are directly involved with the particular target muscle group, such as back and biceps, where the biceps are working as the assist muscle along with the back. You are now maximizing rest for each muscle.

- Train with heavy weights, using fewer reps (6 - 10) for larger muscle groups, like upper back, legs and chest and higher reps (8 - 15) for smaller muscles, like biceps and shoulders. For an exception, you can go as far as up to 20 reps with the muscles, like calves, forearms and abs.

- Adjust the workout days and rest days according to your own schedule, but make sure, you are training four times in each week.

- You will train the whole body four times during a three week cycle, following 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off cycle. Below is an example of 3-weeks workout schedule:


Monday: Legs, Abs

Tuesday: Back, Biceps

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Friday: Legs, Abs

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest


Monday: Back, Biceps

Tuesday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Legs, Abs

Friday: Back, Biceps

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest


Monday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Tuesday: Legs, Abs

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Back, Biceps

Friday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

Workout plan to build muscle

WORKOUT 1 - Legs,Abs

Leg Extensions 2 x 20 (Pre-exhaust sets)

Squats 4 x 6-10 (Last set to failure)

Leg Presses 3 x 8-10

Hack Squats 2 x 10 (Burning sets)

Straight-leg Deadlifts 3 x 10-12

Leg curls 2 x 12

Seated Calf Raises 3 x 15-20 (30-60s rest)

Standing Calf Raises 2 x 20

High Pulley Cable Crunch 3 x 15-20 (30-60s rest)

Hanging Leg-Raises 3 x 15

WORKOUT 2 - Chest,Shoulders,Triceps

Incline Bench Press 4 x 6-10 (Last set to the failure)

Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10

Cable Crossover Flys 3 x 10-12

Military Dumbbell raises 3 x 8-10 (Last set to the failure)

Dumbbell side laterals 3 x 10-12 (Burning sets)

Barbell Shrugs 2 x 12-15

Lying triceps extensions 3 x 8-10

Triceps Pushdowns 3 x 10

One Arm Dumbbell Extensions 2 x 10-12

WORKOUT 3 - Back, Rear Delts, Biceps

Deadlifts 3 x 6-10

Barbell Rows 3 x 8-10

Pulldowns 3 x 10

Seated Cable Rows 2 x 10

Bent Over Dumbbell Raises 2 x 10-12

Barbell Curls 3 x 8-10

Alternate Dumbbell Curls 3 x 10

Preacher Dumbbell Curls 2 x 10-12 (Burning Sets)

Hammer Curls 2 x 10-12

These examples are for intermediate and advanced trainers. If it's too light or too heavy, feel free to adjust sets and reps according to your own approach and experience level!

Burning sets are the way to contract the target muscle extremely hard and doing it in a very controlled and smooth motion. Feel the blood rush in your muscles and feel the pain!

Remember to warm-up your target muscles properly before the heavy workout and do a light stretching for each muscle group

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A Serious 6-Week Mass Building Routine For Serious Lifters Who Wants To Gain Mass Quickly

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